lunes, 4 de diciembre de 2006

7PM - Luis and George in MsTioga!
This afternoon I met George in the library. We had a nice talk with the librarian. Afterward, I walked up the hill to MsTioga. Unfortunately, Chito's perro Lassie bit me on the arm. But George stopped Lassie from biting me more. Lassie made holes in my shirt!

George wants me to make pages on the internet, in order to earn a little money. I am going to try very hard to do it. But I have to borrow my cousin's camera to take photos. George says that people in the USA are interested in people like myself. And, he is going to help me with my pages.
Luis and George with Ms. GQ.


1 comentario:

Bill Brown dijo...


Thank you for the post in English..

It is a great start..

My dog acts like sometime too..

He must be watched..

Once you get to know him he acts better..

I really enjoy reading your blog..

Keep up the good work!

I live in Kansas City Missouri..

We have 6 inches of snow on the ground today..

I wish I was down there with you!

Bill Brown